A well composed collection of modern art can be a successful communication tool for your company, both internally to staff and externally to customers and prospects.
Art strengthens quality, style and image. Art also stimulates creativity and communication of the internal vision or policy or external current social discussions against the standards and values of social sustainable communities (communication, production and consumption).
That is precisely why it is interesting to create together, in line with your image, style, taste, vision and budget, an appropriate interpretation of the function of modern art in your business interior.
Whether you are building a collection by sale, lease or rent, in either case, you can also use the appearance of your collection in your corporate services, media or advertising, promotional gifts or creative brainstorming sessions with artists for product innovations.
In addition to existing works of art, a painting, sculpture or video presentation, can also be made in commission, specifically tuned to your needs and in interplay with the architecture of the building.
Your company can also acquire a ‘Peter Stuyvesant’ or ‘Saatchi & Saatchi’ collection as a socially sustainable investment, provided that it is well balanced in content and budget.
Art collections as communication tools for socially sustainable vision and policy