Claudia Pombo


  • Water Dream Triptiek - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 130x150 - €2.900

    Water Dream Triptiek - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 130x150 - €2.900

  • Water dream 1 - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 100x150 - €2.900

    Water dream 1 - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 100x150 - €2.900

  • The Universe From The Balcony - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 100x150 - €2.900

    The Universe From The Balcony - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 100x150 - €2.900

  • The dark side of the moon - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 100x100 - €2.45

    The dark side of the moon - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 100x100 - €2.45

  • The Magnolias from the moon - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 070x100 - €2.1005

    The Magnolias from the moon - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 070x100 - €2.1005

  • Aquarela Bouq - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 030x030 - €525

    Aquarela Bouq - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 030x030 - €525

  • Loneless Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 022x022 - €550

    Loneless Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 022x022 - €550

  • Red Flowers - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 045x062 - €750

    Red Flowers - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 045x062 - €750

  • ZT - Paintings - Mixed Media - 050x050 - €1.500

    ZT - Paintings - Mixed Media - 050x050 - €1.500

 (Terug naar overzicht alle kunstenaars)


Klik voor grote afbeelding en meer info kunstwerk beneden op afbeelding

0101307002 - Water Dream Triptiek - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 130x150 - €2.900

0101307002 - Water Dream Triptiek - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 130x150 - €2.900

0101307003 - Water dream 1 - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 100x150 - €2.900

0101307003 - Water dream 1 - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 100x150 - €2.900

0101307004 - The Universe From The Balcony - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 100x150 - €2.900

0101307004 - The Universe From The Balcony - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 100x150 - €2.900

0101307005 - The dark side of the moon - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 100x100 - €2.450

0101307005 - The dark side of the moon - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 100x100 - €2.450

0101307006 - The Magnolias from the moon - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 070x100 - €2.100

0101307006 - The Magnolias from the moon - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 070x100 - €2.100

0101307007 - Aquarela Bouq - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 030x030 - €525

0101307007 - Aquarela Bouq - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 030x030 - €525

0101307008 - Loneless Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 022x022 - €550

0101307008 - Loneless Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 022x022 - €550

0101307009 - Red Flowers - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 045x062 - €750

0101307009 - Red Flowers - Paintings - Oilpaint on canvas - 045x062 - €750

0106307010 - ZT - Paintings - Mixed Media - 050x050 - €1.500

0106307010 - ZT - Paintings - Mixed Media - 050x050 - €1.500


Claudia Pombo

1952 Natal -Brazil

in Nederland



Vision happens because light reaches our eyes, interacts with the structured molecules inside our retinas and produces a chain of reactions inside our brains.

The kind of light which reaches us depends of the material distribution outside us. And the reactions inside our physical beings depends of our physical constitution.
From this scientific point of view, we find that the outside world, as it is in truth, cannot be seen and, consequently, it cannot be known by sight but only by other means.

On another hand, the experience of vision is much more than what happens inside our physical beings. We cannot jump from the physiological description of the processes related to vision to the experience of seeing.
It is a sort of representation of these physiological processes,
a world of brightness, shape and color. There is a gap, we do not
know how this happens, how we actually can see.

Now, considering a piece of visual art, such as a painting, we may say
that it has two independent existences. From one point of view, it is
an object of the outside world. But, it was not there a priori,
since it was made by someone. Then, from another point of view, the
same piece is a trick to transfer from person to person things which are inside us.
Not things as molecules or pieces of our bodies. With the word `things’ we just mean experiences, which, in many cases, are not known. This is because we do not fully know ourselves. Then, not only a painting can reveal internal experiences which are not known from the individual painter as it can provoke experiences, known or unknown from the person who looks at it, on this same peron.

There is always an exchange, a bit out of our control, in all art works.
Because of this, the best we can do, when making art, is to let love reach us and let feelings of harmony and beauty guide our imagination.
In this way, we may protect as well as be protected from what can hurt.

I was born in 1952, in Natal, city in the North East from Brazil, but
studied and grew up in Rio de Janeiro. I started to paint since
my early youth but stopped during many years, due to my studies andtravels. Professionally, I am a physicist. Since 2004 I joined the Meerkunst, organization of artists in Amsterdam.
With them, I had, for the first time, participated of art
expositions. Presently, it is a great pleasure to join the team
of the ArtCommunication in Amsterdam.