ArtAssigments-Let make artworks


An art assignment  is a work that is specially  designed for an indoor – or outdoor space. It can take the form of a wall or ceiling painting, but also a floor mosaic or a sculpture for in- or outdoor.

An artwork in commission is in dialogue with its environment and specific criteria such as location, theme, technique, size and appearance are important to make a suitable selection of artists.

Art works in public spaces are often placed on the occasion of special events. They amplify the appearance of public spaces and make the public aware of art in their environment.

Ook voor juridische en financiële zaken aangaande kunst in de openbare ruimte, alsmede het onderhoud van de kunstwerken kunnen wij zorgdragen.

We can take care of the legal and financial matters, concerning art in public space, as well as the maintenance of the works.

Art collections as communication tool for socially sustainable vision and policy