Mass communication versus socially sustainable communication mix

With the exhibition ” InnerReflection & MindRestyling ‘ we try sincy early 2008 to contribute to the debate on the need for communication on social sustainability in our society . 


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Social sustainability begins with acquiring the insight that everyone from common survival purposes is willing to subordinate self-interest to social coexistence and the will to change.

From Mass Communication Model to the Sustainable Communiation Model, is a process of change to businesses, consumers and financiers, for an behavior of consuming that the sustainable principles and aims of social coexistence and production endorses!

It’s clear that in scientifically approach as well in the media there is active research with which mostly technical resources, the ecological threat can be reversed without economic and financial consequences within the prevailing balance of power!

Sustainability seemed not yet to go beyond technical adjustment of economic production systems with environmental improvement as a goal. Environment, however, was only the beginning and the test case of the globalized world for durable and stable living together.

Recalibration of our societal norms and values to individual well-being and economic production systems in a responsible, environmentally attuned “life Interior” of welfare distribution and human rights are also inescapable to reach ecological, individual and social sustainability!

Emotional and financial interests and contradictions between individuals, cultures, nationalities, religions and changing economic power blocks are more significant than ever as well as how one sees the underlying symbols as boundless modernity, freedom, consumptisme and philosophy of life!

The contrast between real needs of individual well-being and the compulsive satisfaction by the mass communication and mass consumption will eventually constitute a greater threat to social stability and durability!

Moving, aggressiveness and anxiety compared to the established order and power blocks, are not just symptoms of the different positions but also a part of the necessary process of change of joint strategy of approach.!

‘On the border of differences arises confrontation, fear, discussion, dialogue, new insight, change and eventually new different success ‘.

ArtCommunication will also communicate social sustainable living to companies in 2014 with the long-term exhibition “MindRestyling & InnerReflection”. Artists give it in their personal vision and pictures how fear can be overcome to change and eventually leads to new different success.

Art collections as communication tool for socially sustainable vision and policy